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🚧 Améliorations, modifications du site


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FYI : J'ai supprimé le Baretto jusqu'à nouvel ordre. Il générait trop d'erreurs. Je parle de choses invisibles pour vous, mais côté serveur j'avais un "journal des erreurs" trop remplis par ça. 

Une grosse update est prévue fin décembre début janvier, et concerne pas mal d'éléments du moteur du site, le Baretto reviendra certainement à la suite de cette mise à jour majeure.

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La configuration de la rubrique "Effectif" a été quelque peu modifiée. Toute publication est soumise à validation. En attendant de développer une fonctionnalité qui permettra de limiter cette configuration à des sujets uniquement plutôt qu'à des catégories entières. Non le topic de Spalletti n'y est pour rien. En fait si.

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Le 11/12/2018 à 17:54, Damien a dit :

La configuration de la rubrique "Effectif" a été quelque peu modifiée. Toute publication est soumise à validation. En attendant de développer une fonctionnalité qui permettra de limiter cette configuration à des sujets uniquement plutôt qu'à des catégories entières. Non le topic de Spalletti n'y est pour rien. En fait si.

C'est chose faite. Le plugin a été développé. La rubrique "Effectif" n'est plus soumise à validation et vous pouvez poster librement à nouveau.

Par contre le sujet concernant Spalletti reste sous surveillance et chaque nouveau post sera soumis à validation.

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J'ai fait quelques modifications pour améliorer le confort de navigation lorsque vous êtes sur mobile. 

La bannière a été réduite pour occuper moins de place en hauteur et la barre de menu est placée en bas de l'écran et reste accessible lorsque vous scroller afin d’acceder aux notifications et menu plus facilement.


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Quand on arrive sur le forum ce n'est pas évident de s'y retrouver je trouve

Il n'y a pas un endroit où cliquer pour voir les nouveaux messages ?

Parce que sinon il faut descendre et voir les topics où il y a des nouveaux messages, alors que si on clique sur "voir les nouveaux messages" on a tout de suite la liste des messages qui viennent d'être posté

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@Xa' Tu es sur mobile ou sur PC ?

Tu as toujours le lien "En ce moment" :

Accessible sur mobile via l'icone "journal" dans la barre de menu. 

Sur cette page tu peux tout voir et tu as des filtres à disposition aussi.

Sinon, tu cliques sur l'icone avec les bulles de discussions juste à la gauche de l'icone en forme de journal, ça t'amène sur l'accueil du forum qui présente en premier les derniers commentaires dans l'actualité (les articles) puis les derniers sujets commenté sur le forum

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Le 14/12/2018 à 11:17, Damien a dit :

Par contre le sujet concernant Spalletti reste sous surveillance et chaque nouveau post sera soumis à validation.

J'invite pour cette occasion l'ensemble de nos membres à prôner le bon vivre ensemble et le respect. Ces deux éléments sont principaux pour passer un excellent moment sur le site/forum. Les comportements inadéquats seront jugés et le cas échéant, sanctionnés plus durement que par le passé .


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  • 4 semaines plus tard...
  • 3 semaines plus tard... a le plaisir de vous annoncer l'arrivée de @Davis_Bloom au sein de son staff.

Présent depuis plusieurs années, il s'attellera à plusieurs tâches, dans l'ombre et renforcera également la Modération qui est sous le contrôle de @Meds

Bienvenue à toi l'ami, tu le mérites ! :nikel: 

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il y a 25 minutes, Victor Newman a dit : a le plaisir de vous annoncer l'arrivée de @Davis_Bloom au sein de son staff.

Présent depuis plusieurs années, il s'attellera à plusieurs tâches, dans l'ombre et renforcera également la Modération qui est sous le contrôle de @Meds

Bienvenue à toi l'ami, tu le mérites ! :nikel: 

félicitation !  :nikel:

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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Une grosse mise à jour du site a été effectuée. 

Si vous rencontrez des choses inhabituelles, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.


Pour ceux que ça intéresse, voici le détail de la mise à jour :

Key Changes

Major New Features / Enhancements

  • Post Before Registering
  • Animated GIFs
  • AdminCP Notification Center
  • New Email Features:
    • Email Statistics
    • Email Advertisements
    • Unfollow Without Logging In
  • SEO Improvements:
    • Improved pagination with page number now in path (rather than query string) and unique page titles for paginated pages.
    • Improved use of canonical tags.
    • Improved handling of empty containers and profiles to reduce soft 404s.
    • Improved JSON-LD markup, adding @id tags and fixing URLs for comments.
    • Removed page output hidden by JavaScript.
  • Performance Improvements:
    • Added Lazy Loading for images, which will speed up page rendering.
    • Added HTTP/2 support with prefetch/preload.
    • Added support for Brotli compression.
    • Improved default profile photos to use inline SVGs rather than generated images, which will speed up page rendering.
    • Improved browser caching of pages served by the guest page cache, which will reduce the number of requests reaching the server.
    • Improved handing of session data for guests to reduce database reads for guests.
    • Optimized images to reduce file size for faster page rendering.
    • Other minor performance improvements to reduce database queries and fix unnecessary code execution.



  • Added setting to display user group formatting in more areas (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added less intrusive browser notification prompt in Notifications menu (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability to show sidebar blocks to only certain types of devices (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability for club owners to reorder the navigation tabs (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added ability for announcements to be linked to an URL or be a title only (see 6 New Micro Features), improved consistency in how announcements are shown in different areas.
  • Improved UI for entering time intervals in AdminCP settings (see 6 New Micro Features).
  • Added a new Icons & Logos section in the AdminCP which allows providing logos for use when sharing links from the community, adding the community as a home screen app on a mobile device (along with additional settings for a PWA manifest to control certain aspects the community’s behaviour when used in this way), and in Safari’s favourites menus and pinned tabs on macOS.
  • Added a new UI for attachments, showing a box with some information about the file, rather than a plain line (see Turbo charging loading speeds).


Removed Features

  • Removed EmojiOne-style emojis due to licensing issues.
  • Removed Gravatar support due to privacy concerns and performance issues.
  • Removed password hashes when downloading a member list from the AdminCP. This is for security, to reduce the ease of obtaining sensitive data if the AdminCP is ever compromised.
  • Removed the name of the content (e.g. topic) from the “Next Unread” link which could consume significant server resources on large communities


Minor Changes


  • Added a setting to prevent Invision Community being used in an iframe to prevent clickjacking.
  • Improved entropy of CSRF keys.
  • Improved SSRF protection.
  • Fixed potential leaking of sensitive keys via HTTP referrers.
  • Fixed an issue where the redirect script could be tricked into outputting HTML from an unverified source.
  • Fixed several minor XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed some missing CSRF checks.
  • Fixed users being able to change the social account used for promoting.
  • Fixed club owners being able to manipulate the meta tags for a page which could force users to be redirected to another website when visiting certain club areas.
  • Fixed non-sensitive information on pending transactions made by guests in Commerce potentially viewable by other guests.
  • Fixed users being able to post remote images when disallowed from doing so.


Core - UI

  • Added “Create” menu on mobile.
  • Fixed ordering of custom emoji categories.
  • Fixed the “pulse” animation when reacting to content not being correctly centered.
  • Fixed the “popular” indicator overlapping reactions on mobile devices.
  • Fixed clicking on the label for a field not causing focus to jump the field it is for in several locations.
  • Fixed select boxes always dropping down, extending past the bottom of the screen in some situations (they will now drop “up” if near the bottom of the screen).
  • Fixed node (e.g. forums, products, etc.) selection fields consuming significant server resources on communities which have lots of them by limiting the number that is shown when the select box is initially opened to 100.
  • Fixed “stack” form fields (fields where multiple values can be entered) not showing the “Add another” Button" once an item was removed from the stack after the max elements were reached.
  • Fixed “stack” form fields (fields where multiple values can be entered) not saving the correct values if one item is deleted and then another one added.
  • Fixed carousels not being scrollable on very small devices (e.g. iPhone SE).
  • Fixed carousels not behaving correctly with right-to-left languages.
  • Fixed more than one sort options sometimes showing as selected in some content lists.
  • Fixed styling of bullet points in some lists when using Microsoft Edge.
  • Fixed various W3C validation errors (including removing CSS rules with vendor prefixes which are no longer needed in most browsers).
  • Removed total reputation count in “mini” reputation view (used by Gallery comments and status updates), which isn’t necessary as each reaction type shows its own total.


Core - Posting / Editor / Embeds

  • Added tag suggestions from previously used tags as you type.
  • Fixed @mentions not working in some circumstances.
  • Fixed results lists showing in wrong place in some autocomplete fields.
  • Fixed Flickr embeds.
  • Fixed embeds for extremely long content causing crashes on mobile devices.
  • Fixed pasting certain URLs into the editor escaping characters.
  • Fixed certain content being pasted into an editor only actually pasting a single URL from the pasted content.
  • Fixed UI when editing highlighted posts.
  • Fixed a user not being able to post a review if they had previously posted a review which had been deleted.
  • Fixed author of content that is set to be published in the future not being able to view and edit it if they do not usually have permission to view future items.
  • Fixed content that is set to be published in the future being able to be commented or reviewed.
  • Fixed sTex/LaTeX editor code syntax highlighting.
  • Fixed an issue where previewing content with attachments may cause the content to be listed multiple times on the “My Attachments” page.
  • Fixed double-clicking on an image to adjust its size could fail when multiple WYSIWYG editors are on the page.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.11.2.


Core - Clubs

  • Added option when splitting topics/other content to have the newly created topic/etc be in a club.
  • Fixed paid clubs being able to be created without having a valid price.
  • Fixed the number of members shown for a club not always being accurate.
  • Fixed layout of the club member list when there is no sidebar (now shows 24 per page which divides evenly between the number shown per row both with and without the sidebar).
  • Fixed club leaders not being able to crop the club icon.
  • Fixed members being able to vote on polls in open clubs even if they aren’t members of the club.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a club on PHP 7.2.
  • Fixed HTML open-graph tags not being set in clubs.


Core - Search & Activity Streams

  • Added support for showing images from pages records and poll votes in the activity stream.
  • Improved performance if using MySQL.
  • Improved Elasticsearch integration:
    • Added support for wildcard searches.
    • Added support for custom analyzers.
    • Improved performance for certain Elasticsearch queries.
    • Removed the ability to filter by number of views when searching using Elasticsearch, which had significant performance issues.- Fixed deleted comments showing in activity streams.
  • Fixed error in streams with certain content combinations.
  • Fixed quick search dropdown being dismissed when selecting an option inside it.
  • Fixed browser’s autocomplete box overlapping the quick search dropdown.
  • Fixed behaviour of back button after visiting an unread item in a stream.
  • Fixed search form not being reset when using the browser’s back button.
  • Fixed new products icon floating over the title in streams.
  • Fixed searching by “Select box” profile fields with multiple options.
  • Fixed date filters being lost when changing the sort order in search.
  • Fixed changing the date filters not working correctly if the search was originally initiated by the advanced search form.
  • Fixed date filters showing the dates in the wrong timezone.
  • Fixed “search by terms or tags” and “search by terms and tags” not showing on the search form initially.
  • Fixed content not being highlighted correctly in search results.
  • Fixed issues searches when using “&”, “_” or “%” in the search term.


Core - Profiles & User Settings

  • Added ability for users to re-crop their profile photos.
  • Added custom field formatting options for profiles.
  • Added ability for users to delete multiple attachments at a time from the “My Attachments” page.
  • Added AdminCP settings for showing signatures to guests and mobile users.
  • Added ability to disable profile photo imports from URL.
  • Added ability to use $member variable (to access details about the member) in custom profile field formatting templates (“Custom topic formatting” and “Custom profile formatting”).
  • Fixed duplicate entries in the “Reputation” section of member profiles.
  • Fixed an issue where “Complete Your Profile” steps may not be dismissed properly and could re-appear later.
  • Fixed links to ignored users and editing profiles showing even when these features were disabled.
  • Fixed users being able to import profile photos from linked social network accounts even if they don’t have permission to use a profile photo.
  • Fixed a generic error when attempting to import a profile photo from an invalid domain.


Core - Notifications

  • Added a new user notification to be notified when their content is embedded in other content.
  • Added ability for administrators to set the default value for several notification settings: “Show popup window when members receive a new personal message?”, “Only send one email notification for followed content per member visit?”, and “Play a sound when notifications are received?”
  • Added a small message when editing notification settings to clarify that changing the default method for following content will not affect content you are already following.
  • Fixed notifications triggered by guests not showing an author name.
  • Fixed notifications for users logged in anonymously.
  • Fixed links to some notifications pages/settings using an old format which caused an unnecessary redirect to the correct URL.


Core - Messenger

  • Added ability for moderators to delete messenger conversations.
  • Fixed pagination of messenger search results.

Core - Leaderboard

  • Fixed some items missing from the Leaderboard’s “Popular items” list.
  • Fixed Leaderboard positions potentially switching if the positions are tied.
  • Fixed AdminCP leaderboard settings form not showing/hiding fields correctly when turned on/off.
  • Fixed “Top Members” page in the Leaderboard consuming significant server resources on large communities.


Core - Members & Accounts

  • Fixed the formatting setting not showing the color box when editing a group in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed errors showing twice on registration form if it was submitted with errors.
  • Fixed potential errors merging some member accounts.
  • Fixed an issue which may allow users to bypass validation if they are held for admin approval by Spam Defense.
  • Fixed login handlers sometimes not syncing email addresses or display names.
  • Fixed login handlers syncing profile data even when disabled.
  • Fixed “Complete Your Profile” not sending the user back to the same page they were previously viewing.
  • Fixed some filters in member list downloads not working correctly.
  • Fixed certain non-latin characters in member list downloads.


Core - Status Updates

  • Fixed attachments failing to save when editing a status update.
  • Fixed attachments on status updates not being removed when a member is deleted.
  • Fixed status updates and status update edits still showing as autosaved content after submission.
  • Fixed number of replies to status updates sometimes showing incorrectly.


Core - Moderation

  • Added a link to the IP address tools for moderators who can see IP addresses in the online users list.
  • Improved UI of the message which tells a user if their post will need to be approved by a moderator, and added the message in some areas it was missing from.
  • Improved UX for flagging members as spammers: flagging a member as spammer from the AdminCP is now done without reloading the page, hiding/deleting content will be processed faster and notifications will not be sent in the meantime, and flagging a member as a spammer from the front-end will redirect back to the page previously being viewed.
  • Fixed an issue where if a moderator deletes content, and then restores it, it is still permanently deleted after the time period it would have been as if it had not been restored.
  • Fixed word filters not holding content for approval in all areas.
  • Fixed automatic moderation rules needing more reports than set.
  • Fixed automatic moderation not counting reports on status updates.
  • Fixed an issue where banning a member and removing their profile photo would leave a broken image in their profile.
  • Fixed deleting reviews or comments sometimes showing two confirmation dialogs.
  • Fixed content items that require a comment not rendering correctly in the report center.
  • Fixed potential error merging content when both items have reviews.
  • Fixed moderators being able to merge content they cannot view if the URL is known.
  • Fixed bad description on the merge form (said “a topic” rather than “the topic”).
  • Fixed a recommend comment still showing in the content it previously belonged to if it is split into new content.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in behaviour when hiding/unhiding content which itself has hidden comments/reviews inside.


Core - Sidebar

  • Added a sidebar widget to show users with the most contributions.
  • Fixed minimum comments/reviews filters in sidebar blocks.
  • Fixed announcements being shown at the bottom of the on some pages, rather than at the top.
  • Fixed the status update widget caching not taking into consideration if that member has status updates enabled, which may cause a text field when the current member has status updates disabled and vice-versa.
  • Fixes missing margin between two blocks if there is a block between them which is hidden because it has no content.
  • Fixed styling inconsistencies when editing some sidebar blocks versus when they are actually displayed.
  • Fixed the recently browsing widget erroneously showing a guest when using Redis sessions.
  • Fixed error rebuilding content (after changing certain settings) of some sidebar blocks.


Core - Social / Sharing

  • Added support for cover photos when promoting to social media.
  • Fixed uploading a new promotional image when editing internally promoted content.
  • Fixed unsorted of time options when scheduling social promotions.
  • Fixed AdminCP > System > Social Media Promotion > Permissions not showing all groups in the list of groups with promote permissions.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not always possible to remove existing Facebook social promotion settings.
  • Removed StumbleUpon share service which no longer exists.


Core - Files & Uploads

  • Added ability for administrators to choose to move files when changing between file storage configurations.
  • Improved error messages if an error occurs when uploading a file.
  • Fixed uploading not possible in some areas on iPads.
  • Fixed not being able to submit a form if the user tried to submit it while a file upload was in progress.
  • Fixed an issue where an attachments may stop working while files are in the process of being moved after changing file storage configuration settings.
  • Fixed not being able to delete file storage configurations in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed sorting not being retained when deleting multiple attachments from the Files section of the AdminCP.
  • Fixed deleting an attachment not deleting the file from disk.


Core - Emails

  • Fixed bulk mail replacement tags.
  • Fixed HTML entities appearing in plaintext email content.
  • Fixed reverting email templates disappearing (until a page refresh) as if they have been deleted.
  • Fixed a broken language string in Sendgrid settings.


Core - Advanced Settings

  • Added new setting option to only serve non-https images from local server.
  • Added basic Redis usage information to the support area of the AdminCP for self-hosted communities.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies when running tasks using cron.


Core - Misc

  • Added administrator log entries for various actions which were not logging.
  • Improved site mark as read process to avoid an unnecessary redirect.
  • Fixed privacy policy not being accessible to banned members.
  • Fixed searching of administrator/moderator logs with non-latin characters.
  • Fixed moderator log showing an unparsed language string for some automatic moderation actions.
  • Fixed error if a background task is working on something (such as sending notifications for a topic) which is deleted while the task is still running.
  • Fixed error reporting when setting up Google Maps API.
  • Fixed some background task not not showing their progress accurately on the AdminCP dashboard.
  • Fixed guests not being able to hide announcements.
  • Fixed potential error in calculating width and height of animated gifs when using ImageMagick.
  • Fixed potential error generating the sitemap if orphaned content exists.
  • Fixed the number of reviews on items not being recounted correctly (when upgrading from certain versions or after converting) if the item has reviews but no comments.
  • Fixed some browsers not correctly caching remote images served by the local server.
  • Fixed the code editor on the External Database login handler configuration screen not loading correctly.
  • Fixed AdminCP Dashboard not loading when lots of background tasks are running by adding a limit of 100 to the number shown.
  • Fixed “Configure Services” button in Community Enhancements truncating unnecessarily.
  • Fixed reputation data for comments or reviews not being deleted from the database when the item they belong to is deleted.
  • Fixed files not being removed from server when uninstalling an application.
  • Upgraded JShrink to 1.3.1 (for PHP 7.3 compatibility).



  • Added setting to RSS feed imports to auto-follow the author to created topics.
  • Improved the UI of the “Poll” sidebar block, fixed the “View topic” link disappearing after viewing results, and fixed an error if the topic the poll belongs to is deleted.
  • Changed behaviour of rating questions and answers that a user has already rated - now clicking the same arrow will undo the original rating, and clicking the other will change the rating to that one (previously clicking the same arrow did nothing and clicking the other undid the original rating).
  • Fixed topics still being shown in search results to users who can longer see them if the per-forum setting to only show topics to the person who created them is turned on for an existing forum.
  • Fixed guests not being able to change the selected forums when using fluid view.
  • Fixed fluid view showing the wrong forums checked.
  • Fixed error viewing the topic preview hovercard if the topic has been moved or merged.
  • Fixed breadcrumb navigation in forums/topics in clubs if there is only one forum outside of clubs.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with automatic locking and unlocking of topics.
  • Fixed question and answer ratings not being merged properly when topics were merged.
  • Fixed error when approving very old topics.
  • Fixed topics not being accessible if a category with a “minimum posts to view” setting set is changed into a forum without removing the value from that setting.
  • Fixed topics from clubs not being included in the sitemap.
  • Fixed marking a topic as read consuming significant server resources on large communities.



  • Fixed dates and times showing in the wrong timezone in cached areas/pages.
  • Fixed time summary formatting for some locales when creating events.
  • Fixed error on activity streams if the event associated with an RSVP has been deleted.
  • Fixed potential error when deleting iCalendar import feeds.
  • Fixed cover photos not expanding if clicking on the same line as the title.
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